Hellgate: London Bill Roper im Video Podcast

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Bill Roper, 2005 @ PC Gamer Podcast (englisch)

PC Gamer spricht im Video Podcast mit Bill Roper über die Änderungen an Hellgate:London bezüglich dem Wechsel zwischen Third- und First-Person-Perspektive. Die deutsche Version findet ihr hier, und das Original-Video hier.

Hi, I´m Greg from the PC Gamer magazine, joined today by Bill roper from the Flagship Studios and we're talking about
Hellgate London.

Hi I'm Bill Roper from Flagship Studios and we are talking about Hellgate London.

It´s an action-rpg-multiplayer-online-massively-fun pc game. Kinda the swiss army knife of RPG. With first and third person perspective, single and multiplayer. We got a post apocalyptic demonic invasion in London, and you got to kill truckloads of demons, get tons of cool loot and maybe the biggest thing is that the vast majority of the world is randomized. So its always a news player experience everytime you go through..

I noticed that.. I saw a build of the game just last weeks at the event. And since did our cover some months ago, it seems theres a lot more third person gaming then there once was. I know originally the plan was, that you gonna go in third-person for meele, and that you stay in the first person for magic casting and long range. Did that change in the meantime ?

Well at E3 we actually left in, that people can make a choice when they want to went in third person. We always fortuned the third person that it once was. So we wanna show you speciel maneauvers, combination moves and its the easiest way to sense how far away you're from the enemy in melee combat. We left the option, to kinda flip between first and third perspective with ranged combat and the people really liked to have this option, so we left it in. I really like to go in the first person, using the ranged weapons and spells. This setting gives me a better view. Especially if i'm fighting flying creatures, so I can might get and have a better angle. Theres a lot of people who like to run around in third person. So we try to have this way because we´ve got a support for first person anyway. We have a full support for melee, so it was a pretty easy jump to just leave it in there, because people liked to use it for ranged combat.

Thanks for joining us on our PC Gamer Video Podcast an we´ll see you next week.

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