Hellgate: London Interview mit den Flaghip Studios

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Flagship Studios @ HellgateLondon.de (EN)

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GU: No soulbound, that sounds good, the people hate soulbound items. Its really hard, because you got a friend and you find a sword and you‘re like „Ey, that would fit him perfectly“ and than you realize that it‘s soulbound. Okay. Next question. Games Convention. We heard about E3 being closed in the way it was originally intended. Does the GC get more important because of that, or are you going to be here every year? And do you think that the german market is rising in a way?

I.S.: Well the german market has always been important to us and most of our strongest fan communities come from Germany so we go to the GC I think regardless of whether E3 is in our out. For this year the closure of E3 had no impact on the GC, because it happened after the fact, we already had E3 and had a big presence and than GC came around. Going foward I do think GC, TGS and maybe even ECTS in the United States will take a bigger floorspace and have better chance for the publishers to show their wares because of E3s downscaling. The problem is, we don‘t know how exactly E3s being downscaled. There is a lot of talk about meeting rooms and just phoning people in, but it all comes down to what type of show the publisher wants to do and if the publisher wants to throw on a mulitmillion dollar extravagant bonanza, then we gonna do it and were gonna show up for it. But if they don‘t, then we have to look for somewhere else to show the game. I don‘t really see it as anything to worry about, because it shouldn‘t affect anything we do at GC in the future. What we are gonna do at GC in the future is come here and show our game, because its important to us. That‘s pretty much it.

GU: Okay. Next Topic. Where has the mini game gone? It‘s not in this version, isn‘t it? I haven‘t seen it. Where is it? I liked the idea of it.

I.S.: The mini game you talk about is the one where you have requirements like kill spectral demons or use a toxic attack or something and once you fullfilled these requirements, you get a loot bonus like a radomized dropp of loot or five items opposed to one or what ever. Its just not in the E3 build but it‘s still in the current build we‘re playing and believe it to be back for TGS. How it ends up in the final game? Who knows, there are still factions within the Flagship Studios that like or dislike it and personally I like it.

Pat Harris: Whenever the mini game happens and you hear the noise in the office everybody claps and kinda screams.

GU: I think players will really like the idea, because of not being forced too not just hack and slay your way through the level and being able to do something diffrent meanwhile. I think that‘s really interesting. We‘ve seen the worldmap in the E3 version, is it the world already or is it just a little small part of it and how much percent do we know ‚till now, is it just a little small part or is it about the half of the game?

I.S.: The world map you see right now in the game when you press „m“ on the keyboard has nothing to do at all with what‘s going to be in the final game, because that was basically a pre-storyline worldmap and these were just quests that were developed for shows and demonstrations just to get people moving from point A to point B. So what you see there is just that it goes from Covent garden to Bloomsbury to Tienaman Core to Covent Garden Market to the Museum to Leicester Square. All those places will be in the final game but the layout will be significally diffrent and in terms of how much content it represents I wouldn‘t say that it represents anything, because its not the final game. But when you see the TGS build, what you see is basically the first third of the first acts of three acts. But you have to understand, that the acts will be transparent to the enduser, so that it seems like just one block of time. What were currently shooting for is somewhere between 10 and X numbers of hours per act or...I don‘t know and it shouldn‘t be..I don‘t know what I am talking about now.. (Einblendung: dieses happens viel -> that happens often/das passiert oft) I totally lost all conceptions of reality, I have no idea whats happening. So. What you see in there is nothing. It‘s all been changed, cut, removed or reformed. The current layout is significantly diffrent. you see some part of it at the TGS and in terms of final gameplay content, I don‘t know exactly how much that TGS build will represent, but its not a significant portion its not like „Oh i played the TGS demo I played all Hellgate“. That would be ridiculous it won‘t be anything more than a demo. And it also doesn‘t include random tasks and factional tasks, so it‘s just story crittical task that you see in there which is nothing if you ask me, really easy toget trough.

GU: Okay well. Next topic! Settings! We have seen London. We have seen underground, we have seen sewers, which settings are gonna be in the final game? Will there be something like snowcovered landscapes or ashrain? How many settings will there be and how colourfull will they be? At the booth, I heard from many players that the effects, the armor and generally equipment is really colourfull and really impressive, but that the world is somehow a little bit too grey. What do you think about that?

I.S.: In terms of statics, some people like it, some people won‘t. But its a hellblasted London and we tried to go for what we went for.

Charlie Lapp: We have crypts, we will have several hell levels that we are still working on and what other? I try to think of what else we are doing...

I.S.: Several variations of the hellriffs, there will be some undisclosed hell-like dungeons, there‘s going to be the crypts, the current variations of the streets, right, then there is tubes, tunnels and sewers.

C.L.: What you see in the build here today is not everything, we‘re still working on the backgrounds, there is a lot more to put in there, the crypts, the helllevels, thats all we have planned by now, but it will be more than that.
I.S.: There is also a background artist that has just been put on the team who will screw up what we already have.

GU: Well, I really liked the backgrounds, its just what I heard from the fans at the booth. But I think they just havent seen the effects in a really great combat and the real great fights. The Shulgoth fight was so colourfull, is was really impressive. So I really liked it.

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